Join us for Worship


10:00 AM - Sunday School

11:00 AM - Worship

5:00 PM - Discipleship Training

6:00 PM - Evening Worship

Wednesday Evening

4:30 PM - 6:16 PM - OP Kids Grades PreK-6th Grade

6:00 PM - 8:30 PM - SLAM Youth Group 7-12th Grade

7:00 PM - Prayer Meeting & Bible Study



 Live Stream - Facebook

We stream services via Facebook. Our page will have our Sunday morning and evening worship on it each week. To go to the page click on the "button below" to watch live and see other sermons. This link is also located under our Sermons heading on the website. WE hope to worship with you Sunday 

 We Exist to Multiply & Disciple Followers of Jesus Christ

All Are Welcome

Olive Point Baptist Church

20914 County Road 421

Preston, MO 65732


Driving on 65 highway you will see a large white church sign on the east side of the road. Turn east on 220 road right next to the sign and then take your first left and you will arrive at Olive Point Southern Baptist Church.